
 1 韓国の英語の教科書にある設問を解いてみる。
다음을 읽고 물음에 답해 봅시다.
I enjoyed my visit to the Smithsonian. I want to go and spend some more time there in the future.I think I only saw a small part of the Smithsonian. I was afraid at first to visit the Smithsonian alone. Now I am glad that  I did because the visit taught me to think and act independently. I don't feel afraid to go to new places any more. I think that being independent is an important lesson to learn in life.

1. 밑줄 친 did가 뜻하는 것을 찾아 써 봅시다.
2. 필자가 Smithsonian을 방문한 후에달라진 점을 골라  봅시다.
        a.여행을 좋아하지 않았는데 좋아하게 되었다.
        b.혼자 낯선 곳을 찾아가는 것을 두려워했는데 그렇지 않게 되었다.
        c.자립심이 줄고 의존하는 마음이 생겼다

여행は本来、려행で려はりょ、ㅎ=h,ㅐ=a,ㅇ=fu に対応することが多い(りょかふ)

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